Meet our Pastors

Pastor Israel and Bukola Oluwaniyi

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into and are safe

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Welcome to the month of June

Welcome to the 6th month of this glorious year. May all your prayers receive speedy answers in Jesus’ name. Matt 26:39- “He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed…”, the Bible said even Jesus went a little farther in Prayer, can you be deliberate about going a little farther also in Prayer. To Continue means, to persist in an activity or process, or resume after an interruption. Have you been praying? I perceive God is saying to you, “PERSIST” Have you stopped praying, because of one thing or the other, God is saying, RESUME. 

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In Our Monthly Programmes

Operation Command Your Month

First Day of Every Month

Anointing Service

Every 3rd Sunday of the Month